Useful Tips

Caring for someone with dementia can be rewarding but also challenging and stressful at times – for you and the person with the condition. Below are some tips to help you provided a better experience for your loved one.


Ensure a consistent routine. This can include, bath times, waking up and going to bed, taking medication or having meals, showering or bathing.

You should also factor routine in to any exercise or socialising activities.

Stress Reduction

Maintain a calming environment free of loud or harsh noises or lots of people.

Be reassuring, don’t raise your voice or get agitated (even if it is hard not to) and remain aware of any changes in mood.


Be slow and clear and try to stick to one topic at a time.

Yes or No questions are often better, particularly if the person’s ability to speak or speak clearly is limited.

Use positive language, maintain eye contact and stay calm.

Remain Aware

Carers are best placed to notice changes to physical and mental health.

If you notice any physical or mental changes, such as areas of confusion you have no recognised before you should seek medical help immediately.

Keep any telephone numbers you may need at hand.


The care you provide or seek should have the person with the condition at the heart of it. Whilst it can often be physically and mentally demanding for carers it can also be a frightening and confusing time for patients. Not everyone will develop or display symptoms at the same time or with the same frequency so you should ensure that you are aware of how they behave and that you adjust care needs to suit individual situations.

Remember, despite changes in behaviour and memory they are still a person, trying to understand and work with the symptoms they have.

This also applies to you as a carer. It is ok to ask for help and equally important to have your own support structure. Small things can go a long way such a family or friends cooking meals or watching your loved one for an hour to let you get shopping, go to appointments or just get some respite.
